Looking back BY PHIL MUNSON

The last Aviation Postcard Club newsletter. Is it really nineteen years since my first effort, sometime in 1991.In fact this was my second attempt. I could not type so persuaded my daughter to type it up. Unfortunately so many corrections were required that she threatened to leave home which would mean more washing-up for me to do.So I abandoned that until I got a word processor and got one finger trained to type. Still type the same way.

I thought of the idea for the club as I was interested in collecting cards of Constellations. I think I had about a hundred or so. This is nothing compared with a checklist of I think a thousand or so compiled by an American collector. Sometime facilities provided by ******* Gas for composition and duplication came in useful. One of my bosses found out and went through my system with me. He was very helpful in suggesting short cuts. Strange to think I didn’t know about p.c’s at that time. I knew about internet as ******** Gas had been using it from about 1981 on.I think several of you have been with the club since it started. Thank you for your support. I shall continue to wear it.

The first to join was I think Tony Longshaw who gave me great encouragement when I needed it. One encouragement I got was when members started offering articles.One of the first was Colin Cohen. Thank you Colin for your regular articles until December 2006.The next great milestone was when Bill Baird offered to take over the American “chapter” in 1993. This started because I was unable to cash cheques in dollars so asked for an American to handle it stateside. Bill volunteered and has contributed to the newsletter ever since. Bill is still flying and sends me cards from all over the world. A very interested and varied collection. Thanks, Bill. I look forward to getting your cards.We have to thank Doug Bastin for all his help. Starting with his first articles “More than meets the eye” and “Worth a second glance” in 1996.

But his greatest contribution was taking over the newsletter in March 1998. That doesn’t seem twelve years ago either. He has done a great job. Much better than I could do. 2001 was another milestone. We went digital. First of all, Christian Gerbich set up the website and also Doug arranged for the newsletter to be produced from digital files with enhanced picture quality in September.It must have been around this time that we started taking email only members.March 2005 saw our Special Issue No.50 with your own personal contributions.Thank you for them and others who have provided many interesting articles.

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